
2 11, 2015

Invest in New Windows and Window Coverings for Optimal Energy Efficiency

2015-11-02T09:00:18-08:00November 2nd, 2015|

With the increasing cost of energy, it is an ideal time for homeowners to improve the energy-efficiency in their home. While there are plenty of ways that you can make this happen, one way is to invest in replacement windows and window coverings, as long as you learn to make the right choices. Outstanding Return [...]

19 10, 2015

Why You Should Replace Your Windows

2015-10-19T09:00:30-07:00October 19th, 2015|

The windows of a home are an important feature. Not only do they allow for a look to the outdoors, but they also help protect the inhabitants from the elements beyond them. Over time, windows begin to lose a bit of the value that they once held. This will make replacing your windows a necessity. [...]

12 10, 2015

Plantation Shutters Keep You Cool and Comfortable in the Warmer Months

2015-10-12T09:00:25-07:00October 12th, 2015|

Summer is here and while most people enjoy this season, it brings with it the strong sunny rays that can make us uncomfortable. If you're looking for ways to keep cool in your house, you may want to consider the benefits of plantation shutters. In the summer, your house can act just like a greenhouse. [...]

5 10, 2015

The Benefits of Replacement Windows

2015-10-05T09:00:36-07:00October 5th, 2015|

Possibly the most common place for a home to lose energy, whether it be from cold air or heat transferring through them depending on the season, is your windows. Your windows are a big deal when it comes keeping your energy use down, as well as being one of the most prominent focal points on [...]

3 08, 2015

Consider No-Interest Financing to Get Replacement Windows for Your Rental Property

2015-08-03T09:12:28-07:00August 3rd, 2015|

While owning a rental home is a superb way to enjoy passive income, there are still various expenses that come with this investment including maintenance, repairs, and property management services. Once the windows start to look extremely aged, especially in comparison to the rest of the home, you should consider new windows, but you might [...]

20 07, 2015

Plantation Shutters Benefits: The Value of Plantation Shutters

2015-07-20T09:00:38-07:00July 20th, 2015|

With so many options available for window treatments, it can be hard for many homeowners to decide what they should have installed in their home. One option that has risen in popularity in recent years is plantations shutters. This is due to the fact that plantation shutters are aesthetically pleasing, and they provide many financial [...]